Entries by Christian Campbell

Kunsten at være original og fornægte copy-cat paradigmet!

Hvordan gik Amazon.com fra at være en online-hobby-bogbutik til at ”eje fremtiden”? Hvordan gik Apple fra at være ”just another tech-company”, til at diktere hvordan vi forvalter 50% af vores opmærksomhed, på daglig basis? Provokation Kender du ”nogen” som ved alt muligt intelligent, men ikke evner at handle i overensstemmelse med deres viden? Har du […]

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This Will Be Thought Provoking!

Results are easy! Really, results are easy – so why do we often get overly provoked by this claim? Let’s get to it. Saying results are easy is not the same as saying they come without a price-tag. Results always comes with a price-tag and that boils it down to my point: Results, as everything […]

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Now You Can Beat Apple? – Monday Morning #1

It seems like Apple have forgotten the 3 most important arguments why you and I should buy Apple-products: Listen as podcast Easy to use Functional And saves us time What can we learn from this? Apples success-formula is simplification and emotions but now they are back on the fiasco-formula they already have proven not working […]

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En lektie du ikke gider lære?

Det kunne være et spændende eksperiment at kigge tilbage på vores historie (menneskeheden), og se om vi kan finde eksempler på grupper, virksomheder, landsdele eller måske hele nationer, der er blevet forført. Forført til at acceptere, og ligefrem understøtte både filosofier og handlinger, som senere viser sig som rendyrket manipulation, der ikke har hold i […]

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Before the (week)END #2 – Who and How?

The following 6 vital business and leadership questions have continuously proven highly valuable: Readtime: 2,30 Click to listen as podcast: Who are the few “ambassadors” ensuring the business thrives in the future? Who are the many driving the “basic results-creating machinery” in the business? And, who are the few but powerful individuals always undermining both the […]

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Before the (week)end #1

As podcast – click here.

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Høj omsætning trods tydelige mangler

Det lykkelige ved business er, hvis vi mangler evnerne, visionerne og idéerne, at vi via traditionelle markedsanalyser, trods deres åbenlyse mangler, og ”giv kunden hvad de gerne vil have paradigmet” kan skabe helt ok økonomiske resultater. Det kan ligeledes være helt udmærket forretning, at ligge sig i slipstrømmen i og af brancher, hvor pionerer disrupter […]

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High revenue despite obvious deficiencies

The happy circumstances of business are, if we lack the skills, the visions and the ideas ourselves that we through traditional market analyzes, despite their obvious flaws, and via “the giving the customer what they want paradigm” can create quite ok economic results. It can also generate quite good business to lie in the slipstream […]

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The relevant factors

I bet you have heard as much as I have about tools like ”open questions”, ”objection possibilities”,  ”the numbers game” and “market conditions” or whatever,  if you in any shape or form are working in sales and business? But we should ask ourselves one important and crucial question: How do we win the attention on […]

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Nu tjener de endnu mere!

Som ledere med det overordnede ansvar for ”virksomhedens” succes, står vi konstant med en ret afgørende opgave lige foran os: Hvordan transformerer vi hele tiden virksomheden ind i nye paradigmer, effektivt? Det betyder oversat: Hvordan driver vi vores virksomhed på en måde, der gør, at de mennesker (læs kunder) der omgiver os, føler vi leverer […]

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