It seems like Apple have forgotten the 3 most important arguments why you and I should buy Apple-products:

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  1. Easy to use
  2. Functional
  3. And saves us time

What can we learn from this?
Apples success-formula is simplification and emotions but now they are back on the fiasco-formula they already have proven not working for them by painting us a more complex and average tech business picture.

Apple in the “Steve Jobs 2.0 is back version” were a marketing monster. We didn’t have to choose what to buy, Apple already decided that by having ONE iPhone, ONE iPod, ONE Apple TV – we just had to lean into the hype and let our emotions make a buying decision.

Now we must THINK. Now we must choose. Now the hype is dead?

Big, strong and slow?
Apple still have a tremendous financial muscle but as we have seen again and again; wits beats power. Are the Apple products just as “great” as in the Steve Jobs days? Yes, they are! But Apple has now left their own success-formula and that might be the first step away from their own greatness. We are as customers no longer part of the “WE” called the “Apple family”, that provided us a personal image – no, we are buying products competing with one another produced by the same company.

That is bad timing, but time will show how Apple deals with this.

So how can you beat Apple?
We can take over the world as being the business giving our customers:

  1. Easy to use
  2. Functional
  3. And saves us time

It is not about “the product”, it’s about being the marketing monster providing the hype we all can lean into and enjoy the ride.

Have a wonderful week.

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Det kunne være et spændende eksperiment at kigge tilbage på vores historie (menneskeheden), og se om vi kan finde eksempler på grupper, virksomheder, landsdele eller måske hele nationer, der er blevet forført. Forført til at acceptere, og ligefrem understøtte både filosofier og handlinger, som senere viser sig som rendyrket manipulation, der ikke har hold i realiteterne?

For tænk hvis det var sådan?

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The following 6 vital business and leadership questions have continuously proven highly valuable:

Readtime: 2,30

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  1. Who are the few “ambassadors” ensuring the business thrives in the future?
  2. Who are the many driving the “basic results-creating machinery” in the business?
  3. And, who are the few but powerful individuals always undermining both the first and second group?

And after we have identified that:

  1. How do we lead, inspire and motivate the first two groups?
  2. How do we support and develop the corporation between the “ambassadors” and the “basic results-creating machinery”?
  3. And, how do we handle the powerful few but highly destructive individuals correctly?

The reality of leadership is rarely “a Disneyland-like experience”. We often find ourselves in businesses that employs a broad variety of humans whom do not react like “they are supposed to” according to common sense and the management philosophies of the ages. Therefore it’s a given circumstance that we as leaders must contain more than one people-strategy to ensure the desired business-results.

What to possess to find the answers?

  1. Finding and implementing relevant tools matching your business-needs as perfectly as possible starts by seeing the full picture. No, you and I don’t see the full picture by ourselves.
  2. Then simplifying it. This really means figuring out which few factors, out of many, that will affect the business most efficiently. Oversimplifying is not it.
  3. And at the same time – as secure as possible – bring the business to its goal(s). Often fast becomes the autocratic measurement scale.

So, see the full picture and convert it into a simple and easier to understand map. A map that show people the most secure road to the goal(s). That is it 🙂 if you have leadership-responsibilities.

There is a specific psychology and strategy behind finding the correct answers and if you are interested I can share them with you.

Have a wonderful weekend

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